Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception Denver Wedding | Aurora & Yann

The moment is always so powerful.

Aurora stood outside the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, surrounded by her bridesmaids and flower girls, who rested their hands on her shoulders and began to pray over her, mere moments before she was to marry her future husband Yann. Being witness to these beautiful moments is what we seek to capture.

Like so many Catholic couples in Denver celebrating their weddings during the time of coronavirus, Aurora and Yann were determined to push ahead (with appropriate safety measures), no matter how different the wedding Mass and reception might look.

Thankfully, cases in Colorado and Denver declined by the late summer, and so a few more of their loved ones were able to gather to celebrate and witness their bond of marriage.

As Catholic wedding photographers in Denver, the Cathedral is one of our favorite places to document weddings. The Mother church of Denver — dedicated in 1912 — is filled with brilliant sunlight that filters through the intricate stained glass windows and reflects off the ivory white walls. Anya and I were married at the Cathedral nearly seven years ago. We’ve photographed numerous ordinations for bishops, priests and deacons, in addition to special Masses and other holy occasions.

We strive to look for moments that combine the awesome architecture with the love and beauty of the Holy Mass.

After a beautiful sacramental wedding rite that featured musicians singing beautiful chants that carried throughout the church, we headed outside to the Marian Garden for some additional photographs with the bridal party. Later, we drove to Bear Creek Lake Park in Lakewood, worried that smoke from nearby wildfires might make for less-than-ideal photos. It ended up working out, blocking out what would have been an overly bright sun and providing a dramatic backdrop against the rolling foothills.

We were blessed to be a part of Aurora and Yann’s day, and we couldn’t be more happy for their marriage to one another.

Picture of Daniel Petty

Daniel Petty

Dan has photographed weddings and done work for editorial and commercial clients, including The Denver Post, Running Times, The Associated Press and others.
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